Parts Trickling In

Published on 2016-03-19 in Tote HaD.

It has been over three weeks since I ordered the parts for 10 kits, and they have started to trickle in slowly. I’m putting them all in one box for now. If you ever wondered how a box of 40 servos looks like:


One of the packages with 40 servos is held by customs – they requested clarification of what it is and how much it costs, and since I’ve been traveling the whole last week, I will be only able to send it to them on Monday. One more package is still on the way – with 12 servos per robot, ten kits makes 120 servos.

In the mean time I learned that in the end we will need 25 kits, so I quickly ordered additional parts, with some faster shipping. Fortunately they are cheaper in bulk, so that actually evens out the shipping costs. Next time I’m doing it, I’m going to order 300 servos instead of 120 – due to the magic of bulk orders, the price is roughly the same.

Same goes for the printed circuit boards. At DirtyPCBs, whether you order 20 or 30 boards, the price is the same…