Proper Repository

Published on 2019-08-01 in Stage, a Tile and Sprite Engine.

While the CircuitPython port of this library is being used both on the µGame and a number of Adafruit boards (see PyBadge Hacking ), and is included in the official repository, the MicroPython port is not as well supported. In fact, if you wanted to use it on MicroPython, you were up for a bit of a challenge, figuring out what files to modify in order to have the C portion of the library compiled in your firmware. But that is no more.

Recent releases of MicroPython have a primitive but workable way for adding third-party modules , and I finally took the time to follow that guide and make a proper repository for the MicroPython version of Stage, available now at . The documentation is still lacking, and the only fully working example is for a D1 Mini with the D1 Mini X-Pad Shield and an ST7735 display, with some partial support for M5Stack, but I plan to extend that to a couple of third-party devices, including OdroidGo, Meowbit, and maybe even Pokitto.
