The Power of Plain C

Published on 2016-11-26 in Nyan Board.

So I gave up on using that formula, and instead tabulated the frequencies – that’s just 8 bytes, after all. I also changed the encoding of the notes, so that it’s easier to read (in octal). The 3 least significant bits are the pointer to the table of frequencies, the next two bits are the octave (with 0 being a pause), and the sixth bit is the duration. That got me down to about 800 bytes.

Hmm, but I’m sure I can do better. At this point, I’m basically not using anything from Arduino itself, except maybe for the delay. So what if I just go with plain C, like the good old days? A quick google found me a ready Makefile for the ATtiny85 (complete with fuse flashing), and a bit of looking around got me the _delay_ms() function. Perfect.

The result? See for yourself:

AVR Memory Usage
Device: attiny85

Program:     492 bytes (6.0% Full)
(.text + .data + .bootloader)

Data:          8 bytes (1.6% Full)
(.data + .bss + .noinit)

If I’m reading this right, that is exactly 500 bytes total. Woo!

The code (with the makefile) is available in the repository here (no rickrolling this time, I promise): 337f430e5b/main/?at=default