Another Batch of PCBs¶
Published on 2015-10-22 in Tote.
The last few weeks have been very busy, with all the conferences, sickness, day job, etc. so I fell a little behind with my plan to have regular experiments published here. Hopefully that will improve.
In the mean time, I ran out of boards for Tote (there are some people wanting to build it, after all), so I ordered another batch from Dirty PCBs. It’s still version 4 of the boards, but there are some small improvements:
the PCB is thinner, so it’s lighter and leaves more room between the servo horns and the screws,
there are more holes in it, which makes it even lighter, and hopefully makes it easier to attach stuff,
the mounting holes are not metalized anymore, so harder to make a short circuit,
the holes for the servo horns are slightly bigger, so the horns fit easier.