Out of the Prize

Published on 2015-08-25 in Tote.

This project is not one of the 100 projects that qualified to the semifinals of the Hackaday Prize 2015. And no wonder, with 900 of great projects that entered, the chances were slim. It was still great fun to participate and I won some very nice swag in the process! Keep on tracking the contest, as it will only get more interesting with time.

Of course that doesn’t mean anything bad for this project. I would have worked on it exactly the same (well, maybe I wouldn’t put wheels on the robot or make a dedicated controller) if there was no prize whatsoever. The real goal is to make it easier for people to get started with a walking robot and to finally get those robots into our homes.

If you like this project and its goals, there is a similar one that qualified, that you can track and support: project-6418 . It’s on a little earlier stage, but the goals are even more ambitious!

There are also other robotics projects:

I will be watching them through the rest of the contest and keeping my fingers crossed for them. Good luck, and make those robots better for all of us!