The Last µGame

Published on 2019-06-06 in µGame.

Yesterday I received the order for the last µGame on Tindie. That makes it 111 units sold on Tindie (and maybe a dozen more sold elsewhere). Since I don’t plan on making any more of them, that was the last µGame being sold.

The project is not finished, of course — I will continue to improve the firmware, and I want to write a few more games for it. I won’t be making promises, though — reality has a way of getting into my plans.

If you want to try developing such games with CircuitPython yourself, you can now get the PyBadge board from Adafruit — apart from a slightly bigger screen and much more powerful MCU, it’s compatible, so all the games should work on it.

I have certainly learned a lot with this project, and I hope there will still grow a community of users for it.