Audio Shield Done

Published on 2017-10-17 in Trinket Shields.

After the problems I described in my last log, I added the PAM8301 chips to the order at Mouser that I was making. I got the chips yesterday, but didn’t really have time to try anything. Today I finally replaced the Chinese chip with the one from Mouser, and lo and behold — it works! Well, I also got better speakers in the same order, and I also replaced that. They are quite loud!


By the way, if you want to use CircuitPython with that shield, you have to compile your own — the default doesn’t have the_audioio_ module included, due to space restrictions. But if you remove some other module you are not using (like the_analogio_ in my case), it will fit.

Now I only have one shield left to get to work — it’s assembled and the I²C address enumerates, but I need to write a driver for CircuitPython for it.

Update: there was still one trivial problem left with the audio shield — the mirrored footprint for the amplifier chip. So if you don’t want to solder yours up-side-down, Like I did, then better use the corrected PCB available here: