PewPew 4.1

Published on 2017-10-15 in PewPew FeatherWing.

I assembled one of the boards for the PewPew 4.1 and got it to work. It’s really close to what I want ultimately, at least feature-wise.


It has the IS31FL3733 chip for handling the LED matrix, an ATSAMD21E18A-AU microcontroller for running CircuitPython, and extra S25FL216K0PMFI011 flash memory for more disk space, a battery charging circuit, and a piezo speaker. I should have an amplifier for the speaker in there too, but I didn’t get it to work yet — I have parts for it on order. Oh, and I’m using a rectifier diode in place of a shottky diode, because I’m waiting for those too.

I have made a custom board definition for CircuitPython, and built custom firmware for it — so that I can make use of all the pins I need and the extra flash memory. Once I finalize the hardware, I will submit the board definition to the CircuitPython upstream.

I’m still not happy with three things: the position of the speaker, the connectors for the battery and the fact that the board is pretty difficult to assemble manually. I would definitely not want to have to assemble 10 of them. So now it’s time for optimization of the layout, possibly moving a few parts around. I also considered replacing the piezo speaker with a headphone jack — we will see about that.