PewPew Lite Assembled

Published on 2017-07-17 in PewPew FeatherWing.

The PCBs for the PewPew Lite arrived from @oshpark , so I assembled one and I’m really happy with it:


I didn’t have an SMD diode at hand, so I just put a THT one there, and connected it to the correct pin (there was a mistake in the PCB, if you remember the previous log). I also quickly extended my HT16K33 drivers with a class for this board:

class PewPewLite(Matrix8x8x2):
    def _copy_buf(self):
        pixel = self.framebuffer.pixel
        _buffer = self._buffer
        for y in range(8):
            b = 0
            for x in range(8):
                color = pixel(y, x)
                if color & 0x01:
                    b |= 0x01 << x
                if color & 0x02:
                    b |= 0x01 << (15 - x)
            _buffer[14 - y * 2] = b & 0xff
            _buffer[15 - y * 2] = (b >> 8) & 0xff

    def keys(self):
        return int.from_bytes(self.i2c.readfrom_mem(self.address, 0x40, 2),
                              'little') >> 5

Nothing too fancy, just had to adjust the rotation and add a method for reading the keys.

I also received the PCB for Ye Olde Nowt with the THT buttons, and now I’m thinking about how to use those buttons also with this project, as they are much more compact. Probably won’t work, since I really need stuff on both sides of the PCB. There is one more type of buttons that I might try – they are SMD, but use pads under the buttons, and not legs, like the ones here.

And of course I really need to start writing the games for this. I already have ideas of a dozen of them.