Z is Required

Published on 2017-03-18 in Deltabot.

After a whole day of debugging I finally found the error in mu routines that made the circle too small, and generally bad positions. Turns out that to compute the angle of the arm, you need more than just the distance to the target point – because the arm+rod combo also need to be pointing towards that point. So you need to know the distance and the height.

I couldn’t spot the mistake, because in all the pictures I drew, I drew the arm in approximately the same position, in which, by coincidence, the height was just right. But in the general case it won’t work. So here are the corrected inverse kinematics routines:

    def arm_ik(self, distance, z):
        alpha = math.asin(z / distance)
        beta = math.acos(
            (distance ** 2 + self.ARM2ROD2) / (2 * self.ARM_LENGTH * distance)
        return math.pi - alpha - beta

    def robot_ik(self, x, y, z):
        return tuple(math.sqrt(
            (self.BASE_X[arm] - x) ** 2 +
            (self.BASE_Y[arm] - y) ** 2 +
            z ** 2
        ) for arm in (0, 1, 2))

    def move_to(self, x, y, z):
        for arm, distance in enumerate(self.robot_ik(x, y, z)):
            self.move(arm, self.arm_ik(distance, z))

Oh, I also separated the_ARM2ROD2 = ARM_LENGTH ** 2 - ROD_LENGTH ** 2_ constant, so we don’t have to recompute it each time.