2.0 Already!

Published on 2022-12-31 in Wee Bug.

I looked at my PCB design today with fresh eyes, and I found a mistake in how the power is routed, which would require a bodge. So I used that as an excuse to re-design it with the 14250 battery holder, which also made it much smaller. And since you can add designs to an existing order in JLCPCB, I did just that. So the 1.0 version will be obsolete on arrival, sadly, but I will get to build a much smaller robot.

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I also went ahead and designed a PCB for the mechanical parts of the legs. I was lucky to not get hit by the panelization penalization, but it’s fine for a one-off design like this. If I were making more units, I would go for laser-cut parts instead.
