Another Workshop

Published on 2023-03-16 in Fluffbug.

We barely finished one workshop, and we soon are going to have another one! In less than two weeks at Berlin, during the Hackaday conference, we are going to be building another 10 Fluffbug robots. You can read the announcement and buy the tickets here: and-lightning-talks/

Unfortunately, there are only 10 kits, because I only have one truckload of servos at hand, and ordering more would take much more time than we have left, plus I still have to bring them all to Berlin somehow, and I can fit only so much in my luggage.

But worry not, all the design files and all the code are available in the repository, and you can easily build your own at home. Chances are it will be even less expensive than the workshop kit, because you won’t have to pay for express shipping of the parts, and the packages probably be below the tax limit.

In the mean time, I’m soldering up the kits.
