Small PCB Update

Published on 2019-10-28 in PewPew M4.

I’m back from my vacation, and the order I made on the 1st of this month at @Elecrow , which was supposed to take 3-5 days is still on its way. Hopefully it arrives before the month ends.

While I wait, I decided to amend the PCB design a little bit, to add alternate button footprints to it, for those tiny 3x4x2.5mm buttons. They fit inside the regular 6x6x6mm button footprints, so this way I can use either kind, and have the option of using one of the existing plastic button caps with this board. I need more PCBs anyways, to make some final prototypes to give out for testing, and I was ordering a PCB for the Flounder Keyboard anyways. This time I used @JLCPCB , we will see how much time 3-5 days is for them.
