
Published on 2020-01-18 in PewPew Standalone.

I don’t think I have written about it here yet, but there is one more member of the PewPew family of devices, and this time it’s not made by me, which makes me really happy. I’m talking about the a project by @Christian Walther  called project-167369 . You should go there and read the project logs, I think they are interesting and very detailed. It’s much more powerful device, with a bi-color matrix with 256 possible colors, esp32-based with TinyPICO wifi board as the brains, and a really small form factor. I have obtained a working one by trading both with Christian and with Unexpected Maker for a PewPew M4  (one for the shield, one for the TinyPICO).

Here it is all assembled, and with an enclosure that Christian 3D-printed for me:


I still need to get all the software on the device, but so far it seems to be functioning as expected. I love how the Pew library has worked here as a kind of a base standard, on top of which more functionality is built. I didn’t anticipate this, but maybe it will really become a platform.