More Progress

Published on 2018-09-05 in PewPew Standalone.

The AAA battery holders finally arrived, so I could complete the prototype:


I also got to experiment with adding some wooden parts to the bottom, to make the whole thing a bit easier to hold. For now I cut them out of wood by hand, but ultimately they would be laser-cut out of acrylic:


The whole thing fits very well with the mini-breadboard boards:


I will need to make a sticker with pin labels for the top of the display, so it’s easier to see what is what.

Finally, I got the first responses from the fabs, and it seems that at small quantity (50 pieces) the price will still be relatively high, around \(9, but at larger quantities (300 pieces) it can get as low as \)6 (that’s without the shipping costs and margins, of course). This is for a partially assembled kit, where you need to solder the matrix and the battery holder yourself.