Selling Prototypes on Tindie

Published on 2017-02-25 in Servo Breakout for WeMos D1 Mini.

I decided to give Tindie a try and sell the prototypes of servo shields that I’ve built. I have three of each of the 16-channel and 20-channel ones. You can get them here:

I’m basically just getting rid of them, since the project is complete and I don’t really need so many servo controllers – there are only so many robots I can build at once. On the other hand, it would be a waste to just throw them away or let them rot in my drawer – so I’m selling them.

While they are all manually tested, keep in mind that they are still prototypes – purple PCBs, hand soldering, possible hidden bugs – I will support them the best that I can, but I can’t replace them (because I only have 3 of each and I’m selling them all) if they stop working. I can fix bugs in the firmware for the 20-channel shield, but then you will need an ISP programmer (or any Arduino, in fact) to re- program them – I can help with that, but it does take some time and effort to setup. The 16-channel servo uses an off-the-shelf chip, so there are not likely to be any bugs.\

This is also an experiment in gauging the interest in this. If they get added to a lot of wishlists, I might consider making a larger batch of them.