New Batch

Published on 2019-02-21 in Servo Breakout for WeMos D1 Mini.

I have sold the last of those servo controllers on Tindie a while ago, coming up to the total of 128 units sold, but people keep adding it to their wish list, so I decided to go and make another batch. This time I’m not going to go to a fabricator — I discovered that I actually enjoy the process of assembling them myself, and with just a few orders a month I have more than enough time for that. So I just ordered the PCBs. However, the times have changed — back then you could only order cheap PCBs up to 5x5 cm in size, while today 10x10 cm is the standard. So I panelized the latest version of the design, to optimize the yield:


It’s a bit of a pain to do in Fritzing, and I made several mistakes on the way (sorry for the people at the PCB fab who already started reviewing it when I cancelled the order), but after the third try everything seems to be correct.