Breaking: Liquid Crystals are Slow!

Published on 2018-03-26 in CircuitPython Badge.

So I wrote the code to do all the blit magic and stuff, and coded a bouncing ball demo, and the effect is a little bit disappointing:


Hardware special effects! Who would have thought that the low price, low-res, old LCD would be so slow to update? I guess that power efficiency comes at a cost.

Well, since the PCB is already ordered, I guess I will build it anyways, and try to make some games that don’t do any sudden moves. Maybe it will be enough for the usual tetris, snake and 2048.

On the other hand, I have some loose OLED displays that I got for the Micro:Boy , but couldn’t get them to work (and later discovered that it was a reset issue). I could use them for this, though they are about half as small as this display.

If you know of any ~1.5” displays with relatively low resolution and big pixels, but decent update speed, let me know!