Posts tagged ESP8266

Accelerometer Shield for D1 Mini

For all your shaky user interface needs.


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ESP8266 with True USB

Make it act as a USB disk and just copy files on it.


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Coin Battery Shield for D1 Mini

Small battery for your ESP8266 devices.


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PewPew FeatherWing

A shield for Adafruit Feather boards with buttons and a LED matrix display, for simple games.


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D1 Mini Analog Shield

Add 12 analog pins to the D1 Mini ESP8266 board


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D1 Mini Matrix Deluxe Shields

Shields for the D1 Mini ESP8266 board using the ISSI chips


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Weather Pal

A simple display for weather forecasts.


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Spider robot powered by Adafruit Feather boards and CircuitPython.


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D1 Mini Tote

A version of Tote with the D1 Mini ESP8266 board as a brain.


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Motor Shield Reprogramming

Create and flash new firmware for the WeMos D1 Mini Motor Shield.


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D1 Mini Matrix Shield

A shield for the D1 Mini ESP8266 board with HT16K33 chip and 8x8 mini LED matrix.


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Servo Breakout for WeMos D1 Mini

Connect servos to your ESP8266 dev board.


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Various Micropython Libraries and Drivers

A collection of miscellaneous libraries and drivers for Micropython


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Pony Bot

A robo-pet


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µBob biped robot

Two legs, four servos, ATtiny85 for brains


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